The Covid pandemic and the ongoing digitalisation of the industry has moved interactions between people and companies from in person to online. Be it a digital company or client meeting or a digital innovation session, for a successful collaboration online Distance Interaction Softskills (DIS) are essential. 

In the Distance LAB Interreg preestudy we want to investigate the needs of our target groups with the regards to distant interaction and their level of DIS. We also aim to identify key stakeholders and existing technology aids and academic research on the subject. 

In a future project we will make available tools and methods for better distant interactions to the projects target audience and help them future proof their organizations. 

Join us on the journey to better online interaction.


The project group consists of organisations that have specialized in service design, living labs simulation methods, rapid prototyping, communication and communication technology and development of ecosystems for innovation.

  • Skellefteå Science City, Sweden 
  • Centria University of Applied Sciences, Finland
  • LAB University of Applied Sciences, Finland
  • Trøndelag County Council, Norway
  • University of Tartu, Estonia 
  • University of Lodz, Polen